简介 阿尔赛纳·温格(Arsène Wenger)星座天秤座,出生于1948-10-22 法国,阿尔萨斯,下莱茵省职业为导演,阿尔赛纳·温格参演或导演的代表作品有:耐克:练就下一个辉煌 /蒂埃里·亨利 - 传奇 /100球范佩西 /,Arsène Wenger OBE (French pronunciation: [aʁsɛn vɛŋɡɛʁ]; born 22 October 1949) is a F rench football manager and former player. He has been the manager of Arsenal since October 1996, where he has since become the club's longest-serving manager and most successful in terms of major titles won. In April 2018, he announced his intention to step down as Arsenal manager at the end of the 2017–18 season, after almost 22 years in the role. Football pundits give Wenger credit for his contribution to the revolutionizing of football in England in the late 1990s through the introduction of changes i...