

埃尔韦·雷诺阿Hervé Renoh

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简介 埃尔韦·雷诺阿(Hervé Renoh),出生于 职业为导演,编剧,埃尔韦·雷诺阿参演或导演的代表作品有:终极快递 /,Born in France but raised in Italy and Canada, Hervé Renoh is a multicultural, multilingual writer and director living between Paris, Montre al and Los Angeles. After shooting multiple short films, television series and commercials for French television, he wrote and directed the feature films "Requiem" and "Coursier". Produced by Fidélité Productions, the action thriller "Requiem" was shot in 29 days and cost less than 1 million dollars ... Born in France but raised in Italy and Canada, Hervé Renoh is a multicultural, multilingual writer and director living betwee...


2010年 法国 迈克尔·扬 热拉尔丁·纳卡什 吉米·让-刘易斯