简介 安德烈·瑟韦林(Andrzej Seweryn)星座金牛座,出生于1946-04-25 德国,Heilbronn职业为导演,安德烈·瑟韦林参演或导演的代表作品有:福地 /乐团指挥 /从未活过 /银色星球 /犯罪家谱 /最后的家庭 /蔷薇 /,Actor, director, and pedagogue. Born on April 25, 1946 in Heilbronn, Germany. G raduated from the State Academy of Theatre in Warsaw and had his stage debut in 1968 in Warsaw's Ateneum Theater. From 1968 to 1980 actor in Ateneum Theatre in Warsaw. In the late 70's left for France, where he acted at the Odeon and Clurilltit Theaters in Paris and the TNP in Lyons, and became a star and the board member of the prestigious Comedie Francaise in Paris as well as Professor in the School of Drama. His FIRST big film role was in Album Polski dir. Jan Rybkowski (1970). He has appeared in over 4...