简介 布瑞特·迪尔(Brett Dier)星座水瓶座,出生于1990-02-14 加拿大,安大略省,伦敦职业为,布瑞特·迪尔参演或导演的代表作品有:独家记忆 /新鲜 /灵异恩典 /陨石撞地球 /芭比之粉红舞鞋 /,Brett Dier is an actor best known for his roles as Luke Matheson on both Ravenswood (2013) and P retty Little Liars (2010). He's now playing Michael Cordero on Jane the Virgin (2014). Brett is quite versatile: He plays the piano and guitar, is fluent in French, break dances, practices parkour, and has a first-degree black belt in tae kwon do.