简介 丹尼尔·伦敦(Daniel London),出生于 美国,宾夕法尼亚州,匹兹堡职业为,丹尼尔·伦敦参演或导演的代表作品有:昨日欢愉 /心灵点滴 /少数派报告 /,Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Daniel London began acting and writing plays in high school. As a high sch ool student, he had his award-winning play, "The Martha War", performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. London attended Oberlin College where he continued acting and majored in English and creative writing. He moved to New York City after college graduation to begin his professional career, landing his first major role as Robin Williams's sidekick, Truman Schiff, in Patch Adams (1998). A favorite of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Beth Henley, London...