简介 弗朗西丝·迪伊(Frances Dee)星座射手座,出生于 美国,加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶职业为演员,弗朗西丝·迪伊参演或导演的代表作品有:人生的枷锁 /浮华世界 /与僵尸同行 /美国悲剧 /,The younger daughter of Francis "Frank" Marion Dee and his wife, the former Henriette Putnam, F rances Marion Dee was born in Los Angeles, California, where her father was working as a civil-service examiner.[1][2]
She grew up in Chicago, Illinois, where she attended Shakespeare Grammar School and Hyde Park High School, where she went by the nickname of Frankie Dee.
After graduating from Hyde Park High in 1927, of which she was vice president... The younger daughter of Francis "Frank" Marion Dee and his wife, the former Henriette Putnam, Frances Marion Dee was born in Los An...