简介 格兰特·莫里森(Grant Morrison)星座水瓶座,出生于1960年01月31 英国,苏格兰,格拉斯哥职业为编剧,演员,导演,格兰特·莫里森参演或导演的代表作品有:超级英雄:永不停歇的战斗 /,Trade Mark (9)
Often alludes to mirrors and reflections in their works.
Some of their protagonists o wn a cat (e.g. Animal Man, adult Damian Wayne).
Often reuses obscure material, plots and characters for existing stories (e.g. classic Batwoman, Animal Man)
Shaved head
Characters often deliver long speeches that represent their views.
Breaks the fourth wall in their writings
Often INserts themself in their works or writes characters clos... Trade Mark (9)
Often alludes to mirrors and reflections in their works.
Some of their protagonists own a cat (e.g. Animal Man, adult Damian Wayne).
Often re...