Hannah FryHannah Fry
- 性名:
- 女
- 出生地:
- United Kingdom
- 作品数:
- 3部
简介 Hannah Fry(Hannah Fry),出生于 United Kingdom职业为,Hannah Fry参演或导演的代表作品有:空中城市 /数据的乐趣 /地平线系列:网上寻爱指南 /,Hannah Fry is a complex systems theorist, lecturer in the Mathematics of Cities and public speaker. Fry s
tudies the patterns in human behaviour particularly in an urban setting for example shopping, transport, urban crime, riots and terrorism.In 2011 Fry obtained her doctorate in fluid dynamics at the Mathematics department at University College London; her thesis was called 'A Study of Droplet Deformation'.