简介 Ida Nowakowska(Ida Nowakowska)星座射手座,出生于1990年12月07 波兰职业为演员,Ida Nowakowska参演或导演的代表作品有:深入虎穴 /,She graduated from the Secondary School of Ballet. R. Turczynowicz in Warsaw [1]. Previously, she taught in a school of art in New York. She was among other student Leslie Browne and Matt Williams. Soloist Musical Theatre Roma, Warsaw, which appeared in the musicals Peter Pan, Dance of the Vampires, Cats and Phantom of the Opera. She was an actress and dancer of the theater capital of Janusz Jozefowicz Studio Buffo. She has participated in mus... She graduated from the Secondary School of Ballet. R. Turczynowicz in Warsaw [1]. Previously, she taught in a school of art in New York. She was amon...