简介 加雷思·布林(Gareth Bryn)星座摩羯座,出生于1978年01月01 英国,威尔士,庞特普里斯职业为导演,加雷思·布林参演或导演的代表作品有:重任在肩 第六季 /荒郊疑云 第二季 /隐情 第一季 /凯伦·皮里 第一季 /,Gareth was born in 1978. From an early age he showed a keen interest in making films. Gareth cut his teeth shooting films on his parents HI8 camcorder and editing them tape to tape. When a theatre was built in the neighbouring town, through a drama workshop he discovered a talent for acting. This led him to study at Paul McCartneys "Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts". At the time, LIPA was a 24hr creative hub. It encouraged its stude... Gareth was born in 1978. From an early age he showed a keen interest in making films. Gareth cut his teeth shooting films on his parents HI...