简介 简·皮特斯(Jean Peters)星座天秤座,出生于1926-10-15 美国,俄亥俄职业为,简·皮特斯参演或导演的代表作品有:萨帕塔传 /长胜将军 /南街奇遇 /罗马之恋 /草莽雄风 /飞瀑怒潮 /谋杀计划 /豆蔻年华 /,Elizabeth Jean Peters (October 15, 1926 – October 13, 2000) was an American actress, k nown as a star of 20th Century Fox in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and as the second wife of Howard Hughes. Although possibly best remembered for her siren role in Pickup on South Street (1953), Peters was known for her resistance to being turned i nto a sex symbol. She preferred to play unglamorous, down-to-earth women.[1]