凯文·格思里Kevin Guthrie
- 性名:
- 男
- 出生日期:
- 1988-03-21
- 出生地:
- Scotland,Paisley
- 作品数:
- 4部
简介 凯文·格思里(Kevin Guthrie),出生于1988-03-21 Scotland,Paisley职业为,凯文·格思里参演或导演的代表作品有:荒岛酒池 /足球英杰 /日暮之歌 /扑街野营 /阳光利斯 /伊迪 /,Kevin was born and brought up in his hometown of Neilston, Paisley in Scotland. The son of
Gordon & Louise Guthrie, he attended PACE Theatre Company as a youngster and decided at a relatively young age to try Acting. He trained at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama, graduating in 2011.He was granted permission to leave his training early to perform the title role in John Tiffany's National Theatre of Scotland Production of Peter Pan, also starring Cal MacAninch as Hook. This provided the platform for the body of work Kevin has built now, including major cr...