科林·塞斯Colin Theys
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 双子座
- 出生日期:
- 1985-06-09
- 出生地:
- 美国,康涅狄格州,丹伯里
- 作品数:
- 4部
简介 科林·塞斯(Colin Theys)星座双子座,出生于1985-06-09 美国,康涅狄格州,丹伯里职业为导演,视觉特效,制片人,剪辑,摄影,科林·塞斯参演或导演的代表作品有:遗骸 /谋杀案 /黑暗深处 /死魂灵 /,About Colin: “Born in 1985 in Connecticut, Colin Theys is an award-winning director and vis
ual effects artist. His effects knowledge allows him to shoot with post-production in mind, delivering big production value on small budgets.Raised on a diet of classic movies and computers, he studied animation, acting, and the visual arts. He majored in film studies at Wesleyan University and went on to direct his first commercial feature, Banshee!!! only two months after graduation.
Colin has been directing features and supervising visual effects for Synt...