简介 璐·德·拉格(Lou de Laâge)星座金牛座,出生于1990年04月27 法国,波尔多职业为演员,璐·德·拉格参演或导演的代表作品有:无辜者 /等待 /锦标赛 /黑匣子 /疯女人的舞会 /安娜·卡列尼娜 /呼吸 /,Lou de Laâge is a French television, film and stage actress.She was born in Bordeaux. Aft er receiving her Baccalaureate, she moved to Paris and attended the Ecole Claude Mathieu for three years.She started her career as a model where she appeared in a commercial campaign for the cosmetics brand Bourjois in 2009. Shortly after, she started acting in television productions, followed by films and plays.