迈克尔·吉尔Michael Gill
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 白羊座
- 出生日期:
- 1960-04-16
- 出生地:
- 美国,纽约
- 作品数:
- 5部
简介 迈克尔·吉尔(Michael Gill)星座白羊座,出生于1960-04-16 美国,纽约职业为导演,迈克尔·吉尔参演或导演的代表作品有:黑客军团 第一季 /谴责 /折磨 /清道夫 第五季 /纸牌屋 第二季 /,Michel is a first generation American born in Manhattan on April 16,1960 to parents who narrow
ly survived the Holocaust. They themselves sprung from the Great Diaspora, which began for their parents in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev and the Ukraine. Michel's mother, Nadine Gill, lives in New York, his father, James Vladimir Gill, lived in Switzerland until his death in 1995. James was less pre-occupied with having survived the horrible events of the 30's and 40's and more concerned about how he was going to survive survival.Michel has three sisters and often wonder...