

迈克·霍索恩Mike Hawthorn

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 白羊座
  • 出生地:
  • 英国,英格兰,约克郡
  • 作品数:
  • 1部
简介 迈克·霍索恩(Mike Hawthorn)星座白羊座,出生于 英国,英格兰,约克郡职业为演员,迈克·霍索恩参演或导演的代表作品有:法拉利:不朽的竞速 /,Mike Hawthorn (10 April 1929 - 22 January 1959) was a British racing driver. He became the United Kingdom's first Form ula One World Champion driver in 1958, whereupon he announced his retirement, having been profoundly affected by the death of his teammate and friend Peter Collins two months earlier in the 1958 German Grand Prix. Hawthorn also won the 1955 24 Hours of Le Mans, but was haunted by his involvement in the disastrous crash that mar... Mike Hawthorn (10 April 1929 - 22 January 1959) was a British racing driver. He became the United Kingdom's first Formula One World Champio...


2017年 英国 恩佐·法拉利 迈克·霍索恩 彼得·柯林斯