简介 马索德·巴克什(Massoud Bakhshi),出生于1972年 伊朗,德黑兰职业为导演,编剧,马索德·巴克什参演或导演的代表作品有:没有石榴的德黑兰 /名门望族 /,Born in Tehran in 1972, Massoud Bakhshi got noticed for his very personal shorts, made between 1999 and 2010. Rangi ng from the serious ('Identification of a Woman', 1999) to the hilarious and biting (Tehran anar nadarad (2007)), from documentary to fiction, his body of work is varied and challenging. After a first foray into the realm of imaginative narration (the 12 minute Baghdad Barber (2008)), Bakhshi proves very successful with his first ... Born in Tehran in 1972, Massoud Bakhshi got noticed for his very personal shorts, made between 1999 and 2010. Ranging from the serious (...