史蒂夫·隆德Steve Lund
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 摩羯座
- 出生日期:
- 1989-01-09
- 出生地:
- 加拿大,新斯科舍省,哈利法克斯
- 作品数:
- 4部
简介 史蒂夫·隆德(Steve Lund)星座摩羯座,出生于1989-01-09 加拿大,新斯科舍省,哈利法克斯职业为,史蒂夫·隆德参演或导演的代表作品有:最棒的圣诞派对 /爱上青蛙王子 /隐世狼女 第三季 /,A proud native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Steve was inspired at an early age to pursue a pa
ssion for performance after taking part in an elementary school production of the Lion King. A play where, according to his account, he "stole the show". However, like many kids from his part of the world, playing hockey took precedent over all and he began a lengthy affair with the sport.It wasn't until in his late teens while playing competitively in his hometown, that injuries began to plague his future with the game. Steve then considered his first love and, fostered ...