

塔贝亚·布卢门谢因Tabea Blumenschein

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 狮子座
  • 出生地:
  • 德国,康斯坦茨
  • 作品数:
  • 1部
简介 塔贝亚·布卢门谢因(Tabea Blumenschein)星座狮子座,出生于 德国,康斯坦茨职业为演员,导演,服装,化妆,制片人,Tabea Blumenschein (11 August 1952 – 2 March 2020) was a German painter, actress, film director, screenwriter, costume/set designer and musician. She was born in Rietheim. She studied art at Kunstschule Konstanz and moved to Berlin in 1973. She starred in 5 films by Ulrike Oettinger. She designed the collection "Big Birds" for Berlin Knitweardesigner Claudia Skoda which was presented at Berlin Kongresshalle in 1979. She was awarded the Deu... Tabea Blumenschein (11 August 1952 – 2 March 2020) was a German painter, actress, film director, screenwriter, costume/set designer and musicia...