简介 西蒙·梅雷尔斯(Simon Merrells)星座巨蟹座,出生于1965年07月14 英国,英格兰,埃塞克斯郡职业为演员,西蒙·梅雷尔斯参演或导演的代表作品有:狼人 /骑士陨落 第一季 /佛罗伦萨与乌菲兹美术馆3D /,Essex boy Simon is the elder of the two acting Merrells brothers, born in 1966, two years before his sibling Jason. Though there was no acting background in the family both boys were keen to tread the boards at an early age, attending Saturday morning drama classes, then a Sylvia Young school, and, in Simon's case, drama college, though on graduation he spent some time travelling abroad, and, on return, working as a mini-cab driver to earn the... Essex boy Simon is the elder of the two acting Merrells brothers, born in 1966, two years before his sibling Jason. Though there was no acting b...