伊琳·珀威尔Eline Powell
- 性名:
- 女
- 星座:
- 白羊座
- 出生日期:
- 1990-04-12
- 出生地:
- 比利时,鲁汶
- 作品数:
- 4部
简介 伊琳·珀威尔(Eline Powell)星座白羊座,出生于1990-04-12 比利时,鲁汶职业为,伊琳·珀威尔参演或导演的代表作品有:诡媚海妖 第三季 /诡媚海妖 第二季 /诡媚海妖 第一季 /献给爱丽丝 /,Eline Powell is a Belgian actress. Powell was born in Leuven, Belgium. She has a brother. When
she was in high school she participated in theater classes. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in 2011 with a BA degree in acting, with special skills in ballet, Hip Hop, Flamenco, singing, violin and speaks Dutch and French, as well as English with American, South American, Estuary, and Irish accents.She started her career making a short film For Elise playing Mila, then appeared in small roles in films such as Quartet, Novitiate and Knights of the Roundtab...