简介 亚当·派瑟帕恩(PES),出生于 职业为导演,编剧,配音,制片人,亚当·派瑟帕恩参演或导演的代表作品有:潜艇三明治 /深海 /西部意大利面 /辣椒心 /游戏结束 /新鲜鳄梨酱 /屋顶偷情记 /黑金 /,To most people, a spaghetti recipe or an old school video game may seem an uninspiring topic for sh ort films, but artist PES uses just those themes to create some of the most original animations seen today. Adam Pesapane (hence PES) wasn’t thinking of becoming a director when he graduated from university with a literature and printmaking degree. After landing a pretty uninspiring job at an ad agency, PES began to self-teach himself filmmaki... To most people, a spaghetti recipe or an old school video game may seem an uninspiring topic for short films, but artist PES uses just those themes to c...