约翰·强克曼John Junkerman
简介 约翰·强克曼(John Junkerman),出生于1952年 美国,威斯康星州,密尔沃基市职业为导演,编剧,制片人,剪辑,■ Personal Info.
1952 Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
1969 Exchange student, Keio Shiki High School
1974 Graduated from Stanford Univers
ity (Asian Languages and Literature)
1980 MS (Industrial Relations), University of Wisconsin
2000~ Directors Guild of Japan, International Committee Vice-Chair
■ Films Directed
Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima (1986)
Uminchu: The Old Man and the East China Sea (199... ■ Personal Info.
1952 Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
1969 Exchange student, Keio Shiki High School
1974 Graduated from Stanford University (Asian Languages and Literature)
1980 MS (Industr...