

阿什利·皮尔斯Ashley Pearce

  • 性名:
  • 出生地:
  • 英国
  • 作品数:
  • 13部
简介 阿什利·皮尔斯(Ashley Pearce),出生于 英国职业为导演,Ashley Pearce has been directing high-end, prime-time drama for BBC1 and ITV1 to both popular and critical acclaim for several years.
Before becoming a director
Ashley was a professional fine artist and illustrator. Specialising in painting and photography, on leaving college he immediately started exhibiting his work nationally and was one of the first to exhibit at the new Cornerhouse gallery in Manchester as well as having his work featured on the cover of City Life Magazine. Further solo exhibitions followed in London as did a number of prestigious illustration comm...