戈登·道格拉斯Gordon Douglas
- 性名:
- 男
- 星座:
- 射手座
- 出生日期:
- 1907-12-15
- 出生地:
- 美国,纽约
- 作品数:
- 9部
简介 戈登·道格拉斯(Gordon Douglas)星座射手座,出生于1907-12-15 美国,纽约职业为导演,编剧,副导演,制片人,An American film director, who directed many different genres of films over the course of a five-decade career in motion pictures. He w
as a native of New York City.Gordon Douglas died of cancer on September 29, 1993 in Los Angeles, California, at the age of 85. He was survived by his wife Julia Mack Douglas, son Gary Douglas, daughter Cathie Graham, and a grandson.