简介 David Elliott(David Elliott)星座巨蟹座,出生于1959年07月08 美国,纽约职业为演员,David Elliott参演或导演的代表作品有:斯科特与席德 /卡贾基 /温馨真情 /烈日风暴 /最后一章 /,David Elliott played a leading role in one of the top ten grossing films of 1978 and supervised the Construction Department for one of the top ten grossing films of 2000. After dropping out of High School he drove a cab in New York City, boxed professionally, ran a Private Investigation business in Hollywood, obtained an airplane pilot's license with an instrument rating, sat on the Executive Board of a major labor UNion, was elected President... David Elliott played a leading role in one of the top ten grossing films of 1978 and supervised the Construction Department for one of the top t...