简介 卡洛埃·劳拉(Carole Laure)星座狮子座,出生于1948年08月05 加拿大,魁北克省,Shawinigan职业为演员,导演,制片人,编剧,卡洛埃·劳拉参演或导演的代表作品有:美丽的野兽 /捕获 /甜蜜电影 /掏出你的手帕 /,Throughout most of her career, Carole Laure primarily collaborated with Anglophon e singer, songwriter, producer, and director Lewis Furey, whom she met in 1977 and who later became her husband. She debuted as a singer on the album Alibis in 1978. In 1989, she devoted an acoustic-oriented bilingual album, Western Shadows, to country and western standards. The album featured cover versions of Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man", Phil Spector'... Throughout most of her career, Carole Laure primarily collaborated with Anglophone singer, songwriter, producer, and director Lewis ...