简介 卡米拉·安迪妮(Kamila Andini)星座金牛座,出生于1986年05月06 印度尼西亚,雅加达职业为导演,编剧,演员,制片人,卡米拉·安迪妮参演或导演的代表作品有:过去,如今和之后 /镜子不说谎 /,Andini was born on 6 May 1986, the eldest daughter of filmmaker Garin Nugroho.[1] Although unint erested in cinematography for fear that she would be "work[ing] in her father's shadow",[2] she began studying photography while still in junior high school, hoping to "capture people's life and behavior".[1] While in senior high school her classmates often asked her father about filmmaking, questions which Andini later said "ashamed" her because sh... Andini was born on 6 May 1986, the eldest daughter of filmmaker Garin Nugroho.[1] Although uninterested in ci...