简介 朱利安·邓波(Julien Temple)星座射手座,出生于1953年11月26 英国,伦敦职业为导演,编剧,摄影,制片人,朱利安·邓波参演或导演的代表作品有:维果,人生的激情 /黑街杀手 /外星奇缘 /初生之犊 /,Julien Temple was born in London in 1953. He had little interest in cinema until, while stu dying at King's College, Cambridge, he discovered the director who would become his lifelong hero: Jean Vigo. When he went on to the National Film and Television School, he encountered another and, for him, equally influential manifestation of the anarchist spirit: The Sex Pistols. During their short and turbulent life he became virtually their cinematic... Julien Temple was born in London in 1953. He had little interest in cinema until, while studying at King's College, Cambridge, he discovere...