朱莉·考科斯Julie Cox
- 性名:
- 女
- 星座:
- 处女座
- 出生日期:
- 1973-09-15
- 出生地:
- 英国,英格兰,伊利
- 作品数:
- 8部
简介 朱莉·考科斯(Julie Cox)星座处女座,出生于1973-09-15 英国,英格兰,伊利职业为,朱莉·考科斯参演或导演的代表作品有:刘易斯探案:阴毒的产物 /西西里防御 /警局风云 /刀斧手 /王妃别恋 /2036来历不明 /深度谜案 /,Languages
Speaks fluent French and English
Born in El
y (England) near Cambridge, Julie Cox was raised in the highlands of Scotland. At the age of six, she moved with her family to Jakarta (Indonesia), where her father worked in the oil business. She attended school and drama classes in Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Australia; Houston, Texas; and Malaysia. She currently lives in London.Education
She attended school and drama classes in Jakarta, Indonesia; Melbourne, Australia; Houston, Texas; and Malaysia...