

保罗·豪拉汉Paul Holahan

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简介 保罗·豪拉汉(Paul Holahan),出生于 职业为导演,保罗·豪拉汉参演或导演的代表作品有:寻人密探组 第一季 /末日孤舰 第五季 /末日孤舰 第四季 /,Paul began his career in NY as a shooter, getting gigs with his hand-cranked Bolex and shooting shorts and MTV videos. Videos led to commercials and commercials led to Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, he made the leap to directing - combining his love for camera movement with his flair for directing character and drama. As television began demanding a glossier commercial look, Holahan was tapped for hour-long dramatic television. Directing o... Paul began his career in NY as a shooter, getting gigs with his hand-cranked Bolex and shooting shorts and MTV videos. Videos led to commercials and commer...
寻人密探组 第一季

寻人密探组 第一季

2002年 美国 安东尼·拉帕格利亚 恩里克·穆西安诺 波普伊·蒙哥马利
末日孤舰 第五季

末日孤舰 第五季

2018年 美国 埃里克·迪恩 亚当·鲍德温 玛丽莎·奈琳
末日孤舰 第四季

末日孤舰 第四季

2017年 美国 埃里克·迪恩 亚当·鲍德温 布里吉特·瑞根