

马克思·珀基斯Max Pirkis

  • 性名:
  • 星座:
  • 摩羯座
  • 出生日期:
  • 1989年01月06
  • 出生地:
  • 英国,伦敦
  • 作品数:
  • 2部
简介 马克思·珀基斯(Max Pirkis)星座摩羯座,出生于1989年01月06 英国,伦敦职业为演员,Pirkis was born in London, England to a stockbroker father and a publisher mother. He also has an older sister, Elli Pirkis. Having been educated at E ton College, Pirkis now attends St Catharine's College, Cambridge, where he reads Theology. He is also captain of the college's football team (2009–10). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Pirkis