莎拉·斯玛特Sarah Smart
- 性名:
- 女
- 星座:
- 双鱼座
- 出生日期:
- 1977-03-03
- 出生地:
- 英国,伯明翰
- 作品数:
- 9部
简介 莎拉·斯玛特(Sarah Smart)星座双鱼座,出生于1977-03-03 英国,伯明翰职业为,莎拉·斯玛特参演或导演的代表作品有:维兰德 第三季 /维兰德 第一季 /出走五昼夜 第一季 /迷情山庄 /,Sarah Smart was born on 3 March 1977 in Birmingham, West Midlands, England). She is an English ac
tress.Her career started as a child, notably in the television series Woof!. She is best known for a series of well-regarded television roles including Virginia Braithwaite, daughter of a lottery winning family in the comedy drama At Home with the Braithwaites. Sparkhouse (Red Production Company / BBC 2002); and her appearance in Jane Hall (Red Production Company / ITV1 2006) marked a fruitful link between Smart and television writer Sally Wainwright. Between 2008 and 2010, ...