安城家的舞会 (1947)免费解说文案素材
简介 吉村公三郎代表作,也是蘇珊.桑塔最喜愛的日本經典片之一。吉村愛向難度挑戰,喜歡實驗,討厭被歸類,是松竹的壞孩子,卻因此為日本電影開創出不少可能性。影片描寫日本戰後,末落貴族變賣大宅前舉行的最後一場舞會。吉村親歷這樣的一個舞會,他用所見所感,寫出一個個玲瓏浮凸的人物:戀棧風光的父親,目空一切的兒子,不肯放下身段的大女兒...道盡大時代的種種細碎。也是原節子代表作,這個洞悉世情的次女兒與父親起舞,成為
全片焦點,也為時代作了精采的解讀。 World War II is over, and the once-prominent Anjo family has fallen on hard times. They must finally sell the family home - but not before one last ball to recapture their glory days. However, old secrets and high emotions threaten to turn the evening i nto tragedy. Proud patriarch Tadahiko (Takizawa) can barely keep his unruly offspring in check, and tries every last ... 相关文案