简介 仰望星空,多么美好的一个词。 140亿年前,天地混沌。大爆炸产生万物,我们的宇宙诞生了。科学界就是这么解释,宇宙诞生那一刻的。然而新一代的宇宙学家们开始质疑,关于宇宙的起源,关于我们对宇宙的一些基本了解,是不是真的正确。 本片从宇宙学标准模型讲起,从暴胀理论,到暗物质及寻找暗物质的研究,到暗能量,及暗流的理论。最后会得出怎样的结论呢? There's something very odd going on in space - something that shouldn't be possible. It is as though vast swathes of the universe are being hoovered up by a vast and unseen celestial vacuum cleaner. Sasha Kaslinsky, the scientist who discovered the phenomenon, is understandably nervous: 'It left us quite unsettled and jittery' he says, 'because this is not som...