鼻唄泥棒 (2006)免费解说文案素材
简介 艾慕杜華《綑著我.困著我》的東京落寞變奏,日本獨立電影著名拍檔廣末哲萬與高橋泉一導一編的話題新作。老婆交通意外殘廢,老公嫌麻煩,搵老友施毒手。老友「鍊」死老婆後,老公竟然調頭走,與姨仔夾手夾腳,將老友幽禁於黑房,在網上徵詢網友意見,研究如何處理眼前兇手。引來虔誠教徒、殺氣少年、八卦學生,指指點點,各有各發洩。綁架者與被綁架者的關係,隨著時間流逝而逆轉互動。日本有人在網上約埋一齊去自殺,今次導演就約
大家出來集體大審判!沉靜蕭殺氣氛背後,盡見當代日本的光怪陸離。 • 鹿特丹影展亞洲電影宣傳網絡NETPAC Award獎 The latest production by the illustrious duo Hirosue Hiromasa and Takahashi Izumi, this intense digital film tells the story of a woman who kidnaps the murderer of her sister. She even uses her personal website to attract strangers to visit her apartment where she is holding the hostage. Among these weir...