简介 很奇怪这部影片在绍拉的所有电影中是被提及最少的一部,其实绍拉与杰拉丁-卓别林在60-70年代合作的每一部影片都很好,但许多人了解的似乎还停留在《饲养乌鸦》《安娜与狼》《艾丽莎我的爱》等几部上面。。。为什么同样甚至更为出色的《被蒙上的双眼》从未被出版过? 嘎纳影展金棕榈提名。西班牙剧作家协会最佳剧本奖。 The film is filled with unforgettable imagery and haunting moments. Except for two overlong and overdone sequences (ironically, one of which is a dance scene given that Saura's reputation today rests mostly on his dance films), LOS OJOS VENDADOS is one of Saura's strongest films. The final 5 minutes are unforgettable.