简介 12岁的小男孩赫克托在母亲死后来到了住在马尼拉的外婆家里。他与外婆从未见过面。不久他认识了邻家女孩赛尔和街头混混米盖尔。赫克托十分想融入到这个新的环境中去,于是加入了米盖尔一伙。一天晚上,他在入室盗窃时被乔斯逮个正着,那晚,他的生活发生了改变…… Following his mother's death, Hector arrives in Manila to live with his grandmother. Unable to speak Tagalog, Hector falls in with a street gang before a photographer takes him under his wing. Haunted by memories of his mother, Hector photographs an anonymous woman when suddenly, these seemingly disconnected lives collide. An orphaned boy is thrown head-first i nto a new and different life in this drama. Twelve-year-old Hector (Jacob Kiron Shalo...