刺客信条:余烬 (2011)免费解说文案素材

简介 In the year 1524, the former Assassin Ezio Auditore retired to a villa in the countryside of Tuscany, with his wife Sofia and children Marcello and Flavia. While Ezio wrote in his study, Sofia asked h
im to watch Flavia while she and Marcello visit his sister Claudia. Shortly after, he left his study to tend their vineyards while Flavia played nearby the villa. In the midst of his harvest, he saw a stranger cloaked in black, talking to Flavia. Fearing the worst, Ezio hurriedly intercepted the stranger, though Flavia told him that she was no danger, as Ezio saw her necklace with the Assassin ins...- 地狱少妇
没玩过游戏的人 最好还不是要乱评分。对ezio这个人物已经产生了感情,看到他的离开觉得很伤感
- 年上党怎么办
Ezio就这样闭上眼休息了〒▽〒 看着他拖着消耗殆尽的身体保护邵云的时候太伤人了 全是人物感情分
- 亵渎电影
- 老阿飞—故园
- 鱼进锅
画风很奇怪呀 还加入了中国剧情 最后的话说得好; 刺客信条改去了美国 就没兴趣玩了。。。
- 大臀村
Eizo 对不起 哈哈哈
- zhang 2nd
- 霜息
- 孑然殇逝
- Sky