房间 (1972)免费解说文案素材

简介 In a 360° circular panoramic shot the camera slowly pans an entire apartment (or house). When it first passes the bedroom there is nobody there but each time it shows the room again Chantal Akerman is
sitting on the bed, motionless first, then busy doing something (peeling an orange, eating an orange, etc.). When she is last seen she yawns and lies down on her bed. The camera continues panning but after 10 minutes and 21 seconds the film comes to an end and she can't be seen asleep.- Lycidas
@cccb 摄影机从环形运动到钟摆式逡巡,此外唯一有动作的物体——床上的女人带来观众与被摄物之间的交互,凝视与被凝视的通感,以及镜头移开后依然保持着的注意力。
- 丁一
- 小艺
- 小卓同學。
Introduction to contemporary art 坐电梯。。
- 介意
Eclipse Series 19: Chantal Akerman in the Seventies | 這個速度的搖鏡,實際上是未知的。On repeat可以看一整天。CC標記此片為比利時/美國。
- Ariza
- 大书桌
360 然后180 这样?
- 胤祥
- 陆支羽
- vivi
好像是安哲说的吧,课堂上他就画了一个圈,360度的长镜头。Chantal Akerman的这部节奏和变奏好抓人啊,虽然明知道什么都不会有,但又期待点什么,眼睛都累了。