法律与秩序(英版) 第八季 (2014)免费解说文案素材

简介 When a car is pulled from a river with a skeleton in its boot the pathologist reckons both have been there for a quarter of a century and eventually the dead man is shown to be Taylor Kane, one of the
first black undercover officers, who disappeared at the time of the Brixton riots. Despite no corpse being found at the time his end of service record was signed by his superior officer Alex Greene, declaring him dead. Soon afterwards the murder weapon is identified as a truncheon belonging to racist policeman Darren Grady. Emotions run high as Jake, against Henry's advice, promises Taylor...- 不姨妈的大白色
- 豆腐逼梦
英国人真不适合这种剧 跟现实生活差别好大哟 完全入不了戏哈哈哈哈
- 已zhuxiao
- dejavu
- 叶修拓
- 玫瑰
- 柒二
就这样把8季看完了,虽然演员表到最后面目全非只有Ron叔一人坚守,后面的案件也越来越无力、无聊......不过第一次认识到,原来真正有罪的人是可以这么容易逃脱法律制裁的,应了Legal High的中文翻译,胜利即是胜利,根本没有什么程序正义,只有结果正义。
- S*
You deserve better than that, Ron.
- Emma
喜欢这部剧 冰冷冷的配上英剧很搭 // 这么多季下来唯一从头到尾的常驻就是Ron了 看到最后一集对年岁梗心有戚戚焉 宝刀未老 壮志凌云
- 鲜衣怒马宝姑娘