歌厅 (1993)免费解说文案素材

简介 In 1993, Sam Mendes directed a new production of the show for the Donmar Warehouse in London's West End. It starred Jane Horrocks as Sally, Adam Godley as Cliff, Alan Cumming as the Emcee and Sar
a Kestelman as Frau Schneider. Cumming received an Olivier Award nomination for his performance and Kestelman won the Olivier for Best Supporting Performance in a Musical. Mendes' conception was a very different show from either the original production or the rather conventional first revival. The most significant change was the character of the Emcee. The role, as played by Joel Grey, in bot...- Mamula
爱死了这里的Alan Cumming,最震惊的是最后一刻露出带粉三角的囚服,Broadway这几年是想把带同性的老剧趁热都复排一遍么...Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome这句太帅了
- 给我个电话亭,我要拯救地球!
Alan结棍了要西 怎么能这么骚 还没看电影版 瞄了一眼BR阵容 这版的Sally比较有神 像个落魄舞女 Cliff也可爱…大耳朵耷拉眼
- 番长橙子
Alan Cumming的性感是超性别的啊
- 已注销
- kidpt
2016.4.24 @ DPAC What begins as a titillating cabaret scene slowly unfolds into a somber, unsettling social account.
- 颈椎疼
打分的吃瓜群众really?女主都那样了 怎么好意思打得高分
- 橙子换马甲
电影版里只是陪衬的男主在这里是真主角了,全方位傻逼烂人,明明演员可以很甜。。jane horrocks是没什么风情(我爱的就是她的“无性”感),但搞成这么弱小无助,我的心在滴血。。alan cumming当然是不缺风情哈哈哈,表演比电影版vulgar了许多,可能更符合故事设定,现场看估计别有风味,人设方面好像带上了一点莎剧feste那种witty fool的感觉,不像电影版就是糜烂的剧团班主。。猩
- edie
Donmar House 男主cast得好奇妙,Sally Bowles只疯不太萌
- Virgil
唱的部分总觉得差一点(主要是这个女主,过于歇斯底里),但Emcee的人设改变和内容调整确实挺大胆,Alan Cumming简直了
- 考拉赵小胖