简介 Jaime has lost his job and has to provide for his wife, son and daughter. Pressured by this circumstances, he visits his mom, who lives in an apartment he owns, to ask her to move with him so he can sell the apartment. But she is not going to cooperate. And, to Jaime's surprise, she also has a boyfriend! 杰米丢掉了工作,但还要供养他的妻子、儿子和女儿。在岳母和妻子的重重压力下,他只得去见了母亲。因为母亲住在他和妻子购买的公寓里,如果母亲肯搬来和自己住,那他就可以卖掉这所公寓了。然而,母亲却并不答应,出乎杰米意料的是,她还有个男朋友。惊讶的杰米越是急于想知道情况,母亲越是避之而言其他,在一次次的马拉松漫谈中,杰米终于开始了解了母亲的生活。 杰米一直不能说服母亲让出房子,这引起了妻子的极大不满,还声称婆婆是一个非常冷漠的人。原因是母亲在父亲的葬礼上没有流过一滴眼泪,对于这件事,杰米也...