亨特 VS 劳达:F1赛车最伟大的竞争对手 (2013)免费解说文案素材

简介 James Hunt has never been equalled. Could swashbuckling Hunt catch the scientific Lauda? Could Niki overcome an appalling crash to come back from the dead and fight James all the way to the last race
of the season? This powerful story captures the heart of the 1970s - told through unseen footage and exclusive interviews with the people who were really there - the team managers, families, journalists and friends who were in the front row of the season that changed Formula 1 forever.- Rico_勿忘初心
- zykmilan
看了这个纪录片你会发现Ron Howard在Rush的选角上除了将两位主角做到了古月和王铁成般的形似+神似外,连其他角色以及许多历史的细节都是惊人般的神还原。故事本身已经如此富于传奇和戏剧性,几乎毋须添油加醋。当然,still Ron did great job for Rush.
- JoshuaLi
6.2 所以说《极速风流》的几位主角真是神还原
- Panda的阴影
- Sigma von Zeta
迅速看了纪录片 觉得真是神还原 但是锤哥还是没本人那种潇洒的气质嘻嘻
- 脱氧核糖十三
看倆車隊經理現在接受採訪時還在互掐的感覺太逗趣了~ 如果不曾被Lauda現在各種惱人的嘴炮煩死我大概會挺喜歡他的吧...
- sarah
Even better! The real JH is far more charming than the 1 CH portrays in the film. Nice BGM also n narrated by Ed Stoppard.
- 小溪笑嘻嘻
- cat0811