简介 ◎简 介 The Stevens think that they've won an all-expenses-paid trip to an island that's halfway around the world. When their house is destroyed, their food stolen, and their bacon eaten, the Stevens family breaks apart in front of all their friends on live national television, while the island itself is only a short distance away from Sacramento! 迪斯尼公司2004年出品的合家欢喜剧电影,导演西恩·麦克纳马拉(Sean McNamara)。《咫尺逍遥岛》以相互整蛊为主题,剧情离奇,可看性很强,影片欢快轻松,搞怪幽默;从制作及表演的角度来看,也非潦草之作,美丽海岛的宜人风光,阳光沙滩与“原住”部落的载歌载舞也为影片增加了不少看点。 史蒂芬一家幸运的受到旅游公司的邀请,免费去美丽海岛度...