简介 描写的是1963年日本经济高速增长时期,随着城市建设的快速发展,交通状况日益恶化背景下,东京的出租车司机们的日常生活和严酷的生存环境。在20世纪50年代龟井文夫的现实主义成为纪录电影主流的背景下,这部电影的前卫性犹如一枚炸弹,引爆了一场电影革命,为60年代的纪录电影开创了新的地平线。铃木达夫优美的35毫米摄影技术和风格,也成为日后摄影师们争相效仿的楷模。Tokyo in 1963 during the middle of high economic growth, when city maintenance construction was proceeding at a fast pitch. This is a record of the city and its troubles according to a taxi driver on the road. While the realism of Kamei Fumio played the lead in the 1950s, this film became the detonator for a decisive revolution opening up new horizons for documentary film in the 1960s. The magnificence of Suzuki Tatsuo...