绝色惊狂 (1997)免费解说文案素材

简介 Matty is a film star who is tired of Hollywood life and moves to Miami, where he makes a proposal to his girlfriend Annie. She is not ready to marry him, and it is revealed that she had an abortion. D
epressed because he lost his baby (though it was him who initially asked for abortion), Matty, together with his friend Micky, go on a wild night, they meet a waitress also called Annie and in the end of the night Matty passes out. A year and a half later Matty lives in New York, leads a clean life visiting AA meetings and has a relationship with attractive blonde Susan. He is still obsessed with ...- Haleyrink1897
本来打算看前世界级名模席弗,没想到又在里面打酱油,女主是巴黎野玫瑰的碧翠斯·黛尔,另外还有一个吧台妹纸也很好看 查了下很不出名
- [已注销]
- 大壯
费拉拉已经不行了 拍出来这种东西
- 非虚构
#小成本电影# 现实与虚构对立,色情与艺术对立,清醒与迷醉对立。
- 卐の光
- N.
- bluejingling