简介 一群美国发型师到阿富汗开办塔利班时期的第一件美容学院,教授雄心壮志的阿富汗发型师和美容师最新的剪、染发和电发技巧。本片透过该群美国发型师在喀布尔美容学院的所见所闻,以既幽默又发人心醒的角度,窥探阿富汗妇女怎样负担着生活和社会上的各种经验和枷锁,在唇膏和电发夹中互相学习和了解。 What happens when a group of American hairdresses travel to Kabul to teach Afghan women about hair and makeup? This eagaging documentary tracks a unique aid project: a beauty school setting out to teach to latesr cutting, coloring, and perming techniques to aspiring hairdressers and beautifications in post-Taliban Afghanistan. The Beauty Academy of Kabul offers a rare glimpse i nto Afghan women's lives and documents the moving and sometimes ...