简介 台灣第一位申請破產成功的「卡奴」鄭三和,由一開始的莫名其妙負債,到驚覺自己已欠下百萬債務,銀行的催繳與財務公司以威脅恐嚇的方法討債,令鄭三和從此墜入「以卡養卡」的無間地獄。 台灣第一位成功以紅利積點從銀行獲利的「卡神」楊蕙如,以銀行紅利的漏洞,成功地串連親友集中刷卡購買機票或購物台商品,再以網拍賺取其中差額,倒賺銀行上百萬,後被銀行停止信用卡使用。 同樣有過切身之痛的楊蕙如勸卡奴們要面對現實:「趕快把卡剪掉吧!因為這個利息太重了,也不要想再借什麼現金卡來還卡債,那只會讓自己愈陷愈深而已。」 In Taiwan, each month 40,000 people on average become “card slave” as a result of failing to meet credit card payment. Some people pay off one card with more cards, but end up unable to meet all his debt obligations. Pressed by heavy debts, the living standards of card slaves make a dramatic turn for the worse.<br ...