简介 青春情感的萌动是人世间最美丽真实的轮回,完整的人生少不了第一次被触电的感觉。“卡门”是女主人公赵泳儿的绰号,这绰号、因为她小声的说过“小时候我胖的总卡门”,还因为“卡门”是浪漫,摆脱束缚的精神。 这个夏天对于卡门来说并不简单,小小的、突如其来的 “love me tender”打乱的不仅仅是卡门阳光里的每一天。 是谁塞进了“爱情”,有没有结果,并不重要。对于青春,我想最美的回忆是一份份的情怀。这情怀陪我们成长,即便被遗忘,被尘封,她依旧在美丽的轮回。 The first inkling of romantic affection in one’s youth signals a beautiful and genuine transformation. Without that first shock, life would somehow seem incomplete. “Carmen” is the nickname of Zhao Yong’er, the key female character. She takes this nickname partly because, as she puts it, “When I was small, I always got stuck i...